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87th Global History Seminar

16:30-18:30   24 Jan 2020  ⇒ Postpone: To be announced

Shigaku Kyodo Kenkyushitsu, Graduate School of letters, Osaka University

David Lowe

(Chair in Contemporary History School of Humanities and Social Sciences

   Faculty of Arts and Education Deakin University)

‘The Colombo Plan towards the Indo-Pacific: exploratory diplomacy of the long 1950s’



86th Global History Seminar


16:30-18:30   17 Jan 2020 


Daikaigi-shitsu, Graduate School of letters, Osaka University

Diego Holstein (Professor of History University of Pittsburgh)

A Brief History of Now: A Global Socio-Political-Economic History of the Contemporary World (1851-present)


85th Global History Seminar

16:00-18:00   22 Nov 2019  

Daikaigi-shitsu, Graduate School of letters, Osaka University

Johannes Preiser-Kapeller(Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Empire, Collapse and Ecology. A comparative view across Afro-Eurasia during “Long Late Antiquity” (4th-11th century CE)



84th Global History Seminar

13:00-14:30    23 Oct 2019  

Daikaigi-shitsu, Graduate School of letters, Osaka University

Shihan de Silve Jayasuriya (University of London)

"Emerging Afro-ASians: Forgotten Histories"




83th Global History Seminar

16:30-18:30    11 Oct 2019  

Shigaku Kyodo Kenkyushitsu, Graduate School of letters, Osaka University 

Sakai Kazuomi(Kyushu Sangyo University)

知のグローバルヒストリーへ 文明国標準と国際主義」

82th Global History Seminar

16:30-18:30    26 July 2019  

Nakaniwa Conference room, Graduate School of letters, Osaka University   


Robert Fletcher (University of Warwick, UK)


 The Many Deaths of Mr Richardson: revisiting the Namamugi Jiken and Satsu-Ei sensō"


81th Global History Seminar

16:30-18:30   19 July 2019  

Shigaku Kyodo Kenkyushitsu, Graduate School of letters, Osaka University 


Sugiyama Kiyohiko(Tokyo University,  Guest Associate Professor Osaka University )




80th Global History Seminar

16:30-18:30    21 June 2019  

Daikaigi-Shitsu,  Graduate School of letters, Osaka University


George Bryan Souza  (University of Texas, San Antonio)


Global History and the Four Ways of World-Making: Units of Analysis, Future Developments and Historiographical Perspectives."

79th Global History Seminar

16:30-18:30    7 June 2019  

Daikaigi-Shitsu,  Graduate School of letters, Osaka University


Prof.Elliott Young(Lewis & Clark University)


Alien Nation: Chinese Migration in the Americas from the Coolie Era through World War II."

78th Global History Seminar

16:30-18:30    19 April  2019  

Nakaniwa Conference room, Graduate School of letters, Osaka University


Prof. Jie-Hyun Lim 

 (Sogang University)


”Mnemonic Solidarity in the global memory space"

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