Global History Online
Osaka University
Study of Economic & Business History,Graduate School of Economics
IHR: Institute of Historical Research, University of London
LSE: London School of Economic and Political Science, Economic History Department
SOAS: The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Global History and Culture Centre, University of Warwick
Harvard University, History Department
University of California, Irvine, Department of History
UCLA: University of California, Los Angels, Department of History
Society/ Assocication
The Historical Society of Japan
The Japanese Society for Western History
The Japanese Association for the Study of British Imperial and Commonwealth History
Osaka University History-Education Seminar
The East Asian Society of British History
Sixth Anglo-Japanese Conference of Historians, September 2009, Tokyo
ENIUGH: The European Network in Universal and Global History, Universität Leipzig
World History Association
AAWH: The Asian Association of World Historians
"Carletti’s World: An Early Modern Global Voyage”: Workshop series NEW!
Itinerario: International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction (Leiden University)