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Workshops 11-17



AAS (Association Asian Studies), ENIUGH (European Network in Universal and Global History) 研究報告の予備発表

March 2- 4 , 2011  Matsuyama University


DAY 1,  March 2: ENIUGH Session

Historical Origins of  'East Asian Resurgence': Economic nationalism, developmentalism and the International Order of Asia,

c. 1950s-1970s


(1) Ichiro Maekawa (Soka University)

      'British Aid and Decolonization 1950s-1970s' [LSE Epstein Lecture 2011]


(2) Shigeru Akita (Osaka University)

      'The Aid-India Consortium and the International Order of Asia, 1958-1965'


(3) Toru Kubo (Shinshu University)

     'Chinese policies on textile industries in the 1950s and 1960s'


(4) Kaoru Sugihara (kyoto University)

     'Developmentalism, Intra-Asian Trade and Asia's Regional Economic Order, 1945-1979'


(5) General Discussion I

      Including Paper by Gerold Krozewski, 'Aid-and the post-colonial world: British overseas development, economic nationalism, 

     and colonial legacies after 1964'


DAY 2 , March  3: Morning Session-Reconsideration of the 19th century

(6) Osamu Saito (ex-Hitotsubashi University and Keio University)

    'Early Meiji Japan: a developmental state?'


(7) Takeshi Nishimura (Matsuyama University)

    'London Silver Market and international silver circulation' 


(8) Mark Mezler (University of Texas, Austin)

    'Indonesia in the Great Depression of the Late Nineteenth Century'



Afternoon AAS Hawaii Congress Session (The Long Eighteenth Century)

Maritime Asian Merchants and the Asian Economy and Society in Transition, 1750-1900:

Global Economic Changes and Local Responses


(9) Tsukawa Mizushima (University of Tokyo)

     'Linking the Rural Society with the Global Economy: the Role of the Nattukottai Chettiyars'


(10) Tomotaka Kawamura (University of Toyama)

      'Merchants and Mercantile Community in Early Singapore'


(11) Atsushi Ota (Academia Sinica, Taipei) 

       'Harvest from Tropical Seas and Jungles: Trade of Non-colonial Products in the Outer Island, c. 1850-1890


(12) George Bryan Souza (University of Texas, San Antonio)

      'Marginalized Competitors: Portuguese Shipping, Merchants, and China's Maritime Trade, c. 1750- to C.1835'


DAY 3,  March 4 : AAS Hawaii Congress Session

(13) Ryuto Shimada (Seinan Gakuin University)

      'Reconsideration of the Dutch-Japan Trade in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century'


(14) General Discussion II

        Including Paper by Liu Yong (University of Xiamen, China)

       'The Sino-Western Maritime Trade in the Era of Global Commercial Expansion, 1750-1850'


(15) General Discussion for Japanese Publication






第16 回グローバルヒストリー・ワークショップ

Global History and Maritime Asia Workshop グローバルヒストリーWS:

Exploring global linkages between Asian Maritime World and Trans-Atlantic World


April 9, 2010   Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University


Kimiaki TAKAHASHI (Nagoya University)

Distance Matters ? : Human Trafficking in Maritime East Asia


Masaki MUKAI (Osaka University)

Regenerating Trade Diaspora:Supra-regional contacts and the role of “hybrid muslims” in the South China Sea during the 10-15th centuries


Klaus Weber (Former the Rothschild Archives, UK and University of Hamburg, Germany)

Germany, the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the New World Plantation Economies, 15th to 18th Centuries


Kazuo KOBAYASHI (Osaka University)

British Atlantic Slave Trade and East India Textiles, 1650s-1808


Norifumi DAITO (Kobe University)

An Iranian Port City of Bandar Abbas in the 18th Century: A case study of the East India Company’s Brokers




December 12-13, 2009 Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University 

DAY 1  December 12

The British Empire and Asia in the Long Eighteenth Century


Anthony Webster (Liverpool John Moors University, UK)

A New View of Gentlemanly Capitalism: British Economic Interests and Colonial Policy in Asia 1790-1860


Chairperson: Shigeru Akita (Osaka University)


Ryuto Shimada (Seinan Gakuin University)

Dutch Commercial Networks in Asia in transition, 1740-1830


Yukihisa Kumagai (Kyoto Seika University)

Scottishness and the British Empire: The Glasgow East India Association and the East India trade, 1829-1833


Atsushi Ota (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

'Illicit'Networks and Empire Formation in the Straits of Malacca, 1820-1840


Commentator: Tomotaka Kawamura (University of Toyama)


DAY 2  December 13

木畑洋一著 『イギリス帝国と帝国主義』 書評会


【書評】 Ichiro Maekawa (Soka University)   Katsuhiko Kitagawa (Kansai University)

【著者レスポンス】 Yoichi Kibata (Seijyo University)








October 24- 25, 2009  University of Tokyo


DAY 1 October 24th

Session 1「東アジアの奇跡」(20世紀)班

Shigeru Akita (Osaka University)  

「総論:アジア発のグローバルヒストリー研究の探求 新たな近現代世界史像の模索、1950-60年代アジア国際経済秩序」

Yuji Nishimura (Mtsuyama University) 


Ichiro Maekawa( Soka University)

An interim Report: 2008-2009 Preparation for Political Economy of African Independence

Toru Kubo (University of Tokyo) 


 Kaoru Sugihara (CSEAS, Kyoto University)



Session 2 「長期の18世紀」

Tsukasa Mizushima (University of Tokyo)


Ryuto Shimada (Seinan Gakuin University)


Tomotaka Kawamura (Toyama University)


Atsushi Ota (Academia Sinica、Taipei)


Mamoru Murakami (Yokohama National University)


Kayoko Fujita (RitsumeikanAsia Pacific University)



DAY 2 October 25th

Session 3  Dicussion


Session 4  長期アジア経済統計をめぐって

Konosuke Odaka (Professor emeritus,Hitotsubashi University)

「Asian Historical Statistics Project の背景と将来」

Commentator: Osamu Saito (University of Cambridge)

General Discussion 





Eurasian History and Global History

September 14. 2009   Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University



Maxine Berg (University of Warwick, UK)

Trading Eurasia: the Asian export ware sector and European industrialization

Commentator: Atsushi Ota (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)


Huw Bowen (Swansea University, UK)

Re-imagining, reconstructing and re-estimating British trade with Asia, c.1750-1830

Commentator: Ryuto Shimada (Seinan Gakuen University, Japan)


John Darwin (University of Oxford, UK)

The British empire as a global system 1830-1970

Commentator: Shigeru Akita (Osaka University, Japan)




May 28, 2009    Nakanoshima Centre, Osaka University


Maritime Trade and Hinterland in Eighteenth Century Asia

organaized by T. Mizushima, George Souza and Dennis Flynn

Commentators: Dennis Flynn (University of The Pacific, USA)


Osamu Saito (Emiritus Professor, Hitotsubashi University)

Tsukasa Mizushima (University of Tokyo)

Ryuto Shimada (Seinan Gakuin University)

South-East Asian Tin Production and its Export Trade in the Eighteenth Century

Atsushi Ota (Academia Sinica, Taipei)

Kayoko Fujita (Ritsumeikan Asia-Pacific University)

Maritime trade and the shogunal port of Nagasaki in early modern Japan

Tomotaka Kawamura ( Toyama University)

Maritime Asian Trade and Colonization of Penang,c.1780-1830






2009年3月1日- 3月3日 兵庫県立淡路夢舞台国際会議場








②秋田 茂(大阪大学)


③久保 亨(信州大学)










Pre-Conference for 2009 World Economic History Congress: Maritime Trade and Hinterland in Eighteenth Century Asia, organized by T.Mizushima, George Souza and Dennis Flynn)

Commentator: George B. Souza (University of Texas, St. Antonio and Macao Historical Archives)


⑥Tsukasa Mizushima (University of Tokyo)

Aims of the Session and “Linking Hinterlands with Colonial Port Towns: Madras and Pondicherry in Early Modern India”


⑦Ryuto Shimada (Seinan Gakuin University)

“South-East Asian Tin Production and its Export Trade in the Eighteenth Century”


⑧Atsushi Ota (Academia Sinica, Taipei) 

“Pepper for Power: Impact of Maritime Trade on Rural Baten, c.1760-1790”


⑨Kayoko Fujita (Ritsumeikan Asia-Pacific University) 0

“The Socio-cultural and Economic Impacts of Textile Imports: the case of Japan in the Long-18th Century”


⑩Tomotaka Kawamura (Toyama University)

“Maritime Trade and the British settlements in the Straits of Malacca, 1780-1830”


⑪ General Discussion for Session 3 (Pre-Conference)



第四セッション:Global Economic History and World History

⑫Osamu Saito (Hitotsubashi University)

“Forest History and the Great Divergence: China, Japan and the West”


⑬Kaoru Sugihara (Kyoto University)

“The Emergence of a Fossil-fuel-driven World Economy”



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